Condor Cliffhangers: Adventures Saving the California Condor

Condor Cliffhangers: Adventures Saving the California Condor

Date: September 7, 2024
Location: 5333 Zoo Drive, Los Angeles, California, USA
Start Time: 19:00
End Time: 21:00
Organisation: Los Angeles Zoo
Enjoy a panel discussion featuring veteran L.A. Zoo California Condor Keepers Mike Clark and Chandra David with special guest Chris Parish, President and CEO of The Peregrine Fund, which works to save birds of prey worldwide. Following the panel discussion moderated by L.A. Zoo Director of Conservation Jake Owens will be a Q&A and an opportunity to donate to support the AZA SAFE African Vulture Program, which the L.A. Zoo has joined as a Program Partner to conserve six species of African vulture through direct action. Those who donate that evening will receive a California condor brick kit, while supplies last. Held in the Witherbee Theater at the L.A. Zoo. Tickets are $5. Photo courtesy of National Park Service.

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