International Vulture Awareness Day – Serbia

International Vulture Awareness Day – Serbia

Date: September 7, 2024
Location: Nova Varos, Uvac, Serbia
Start Time: 11:00
Organisation: The Birds of Prey Protection Foundation Belgrade
vulture day logo banner
The Birds of Prey Protection Foundation, in cooperation with the Special Nature Reserve "Uvac", traditionally organizes the celebration of the International Vulture Awareness Day. This year the Foundation celebrates its thirtieth year of existence and work. On this occasion, the Foundation takes guests to the Special Nature Reserve "Uvac" on September 7-8, 2024. in order to visit the habitat of the largest population of Griffon Vultures in the Balkans. During the trip, one recovered Griffon Vulture will be tagged and released.

If you are planning to run activities to celebrate vultures this International Vulture Awareness Day, submit your details below to let other people know what you are doing.

Please note that it will take 1-2 working days for information to appear on the IVAD activities page. If you wish to make any changes to your listing, please re-submit your new details in the form below.