International Vulture Awareness Day – Tejo International Natural Park

International Vulture Awareness Day – Tejo International Natural Park

Date: September 7, 2024
Location: Castelo Branco, Portugal
Start Time: 10:00
End Time: 19:00
Organisation: QUERCUS A.N.C.N.
To celebrate the International Vulture Awareness Day we will release two vultures (Gyps fulvus) recovered at CERAS in the Tejo Internacional Natural Park, where there are the most important populations of several species of vultures in Portugal, namely the largest colony of Cinereous vulture (Aegypius monachus) and the second most important colonies of Egyptian Vulture (Neophron percnopterus) and Eurasian griffon vulture (Gyps fulvus). During the month of September we will have an exhibition about vultures and the conservation work we do in the region to preserve these fantastic birds, such as feeding camps, environmental education, the fight against the illegal use of poisons, the reduction of mortality due to power lines...JOIN US TO CELEBRATE !

If you are planning to run activities to celebrate vultures this International Vulture Awareness Day, submit your details below to let other people know what you are doing.

Please note that it will take 1-2 working days for information to appear on the IVAD activities page. If you wish to make any changes to your listing, please re-submit your new details in the form below.